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P469 - Soft X-ray diffractometer / Experimental station for RIXS, SCS instrument of the European XFEL, Germany - Bestec GmbH
P469 - Soft X-ray diffractometer / Experimental station for RIXS, SCS instrument of the European XFEL, Germany - Bestec GmbH

P469 – Soft XRD SCS European XFEL


Soft X-ray diffractometer / Experimental station for RIXS spectrometer


Year of delivery


Installation site

SCS instrument of the European XFEL, Germany

This soft X-ray diffractometer also serves as a low-temperature sample station for the hRIXS spectrometer at the SCS beamline at the European XFEL. A triple rotating flange system is integrated into the vacuum chamber allowing for variation of the angle of the scattered radiation from the sample, which is analyzed in the hRIXS. Alignment and sample transfer can be controlled remotely, considering access and space constrains at the installation site.

Design Features

  • Sample manipulator with six degrees of freedom including Theta circle.
  • Sample cooling (liquid He, 20 K).

  • Detector manipulator, 2Theta circle.
  • Provisions for incoupling of THz radiation.
  • Triple rotation flange for variation of scattering angle without breaking the vacuum.

  • Motorized and encoded support structure for remote alignment.
  • Automated system for sample transfer between load-lock, sample garage and sample manipulator.

Performance Features

  • High stability for small effective RIXS source size.
  • High positioning repeatability of the complete system after experiment exchange at the beamline.
  • Small circle of minimum confusion of all sample and detector manipulator rotation axes.
  • High positioning resolution and repeatability of all motion axes.
  • Low sample temperature (20 K) at large beam incidence and scattering angle ranges (no cooling shield around sample).

Outer Dimensions

P469 - Outer dimensions - Triple rotation flange RIXS - Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) spectrometer, SCS instrument of the European XFEL, Germany - Bestec GmbH

Technical specifications and performance values


Vacuum chamber

Chamber type

cylindrical, horizontal axis

Main flanges

cluster flange at the entrance flange

triple rotation flange at the exit flange


1.4404 (C<0.02%)

Base pressure

2.9 x 10-9 mbar

Vacuum chamber

Chamber lateral translation


-13.63 mm to 13.97 mm

Resolution (design value)

0.025 µm /motor fine step
(1/16, recommended)
0.05 µm /encoder count


< 10 µm

Chamber longitudinal translation


-10.60 mm to 11.03 mm

Resolution (design value)

0.025 µm /motor fine step
(1/16, recommended)
0.05 µm /encoder count

Internal mechanics vertical translation


-7.71 mm to 10.20 mm
(wedge leveler 1)
-7.70 mm to 10.20 mm
(wedge leveler 2)

Resolution (design value)

0.40 µm /motor step (at actuator)
0.08 µm /motor step
(at wedge leveler)
0.05 µm /encoder count

Triple rotation flange

Triple rotation flange 1


-82.2° to 55.9°

Resolution (design value)

6.4 x 10-4  °/motor step
8.3 x 10-6 °/encoder count

Triple rotation flange 2


-116.5° mm to 165.2° mm

Resolution (design value)

6.4 x 10-4  °/motor step
8.3 x 10-6 °/encoder count

Triple rotation flange 3


-71.1° to 48.60°

Resolution (design value)

7.89 x 10-4  °/motor step
8.38 x 10-4 °/encoder count

Sample manipulator

Sample lateral translation
(along sample surface)


-6.93 mm to mm +6.12 mm

Resolution (design value)

0.0048 µm /motor fine step
(1/512, recommended)
0.005 µm /encoder count

Sample longitudinal translation


-11.58 mm to -0.76 mm

Resolution (design value)

0.0048 µm /motor fine step
(1/64, recommended)
0.005 µm /encoder count

Sample vertical translation


-5.64 mm to mm +6.00 mm

Resolution (design value)

0.048 µm /motor fine step
(1/512, recommended)
0.05 µm /encoder count

Sample rotation (Kappa)


-30.7° to +30.6°

Resolution (design value)

1.34 x 10-5 °/motor fine step
(1/512, recommended)
3.37 x 10-6 °/encoder count


0.56 µrad

Circle of confusion

6.15 µm

Sample rotation (Theta)


-182.26° to +192.69°

Resolution (design value)

9.44 x 10-5 °/motor fine step
(1/512, recommended)
8.38 x 10-8 °/encoder count


0.53 µrad

Circle of confusion

2.7 µm

Sample rotation (Azimuth)


± 90°

Resolution (design value)

2.81 x 10-3 °/motor fine step
(1/256, recommended)
1.27 x 10-4 °/encoder count


0.0012° (21 µrad)

Detector manipulator

Detector rotation (2Theta)


± 180.4°

Resolution (design value)

8.37 x 10-5 °/motor fine step
(1/512, recommended)
8.38 x 10-8 °/encoder count


0.83 µrad

Circle of confusion

10.4 µm

Performance Test Results

Sample position deviation after lateral
P469 - Sample lateral position deviation after translation - Soft X-ray diffractometer / Experimental station for RIXS, SCS instrument of the European XFEL, Germany - Bestec GmbH
Sample position deviation after longitudinal translation
P469 - Sample longitudinal position deviation after translation - Soft X-ray diffractometer / Experimental station for RIXS, SCS instrument of the European XFEL, Germany - Bestec GmbH
Sample position deviation after vertical translation
P469 - Sample vertical position deviation after translation - Soft X-ray diffractometer / Experimental station for RIXS, SCS instrument of the European XFEL, Germany - Bestec GmbH
Sample rotation deviation after rotation (Kappa)
P469 - Sample rotation (Kappa) deviation after rotation - Soft X-ray diffractometer / Experimental station for RIXS, SCS instrument of the European XFEL, Germany - Bestec GmbH
Sample rotation deviation after rotation (Theta)
P469 - Sample rotation (Theta) deviation after rotation - Soft X-ray diffractometer / Experimental station for RIXS, SCS instrument of the European XFEL, Germany - Bestec GmbH
Sample rotation deviation after rotation (Azimuth)
P469 - Sample rotation (Azimuth) deviation after rotation - Soft X-ray diffractometer / Experimental station for RIXS, SCS instrument of the European XFEL, Germany - Bestec GmbH
Circle of confusion for sample rotation (Theta)
P469 - Circle of confusion for sample rotation (Theta) - Soft X-ray diffractometer / Experimental station for RIXS, SCS instrument of the European XFEL, Germany - Bestec GmbH
Circle of confusion for detector rotation (2Theta)
P469 - Circle of confusion for detector rotation (2Theta) - Soft X-ray diffractometer / Experimental station for RIXS, SCS instrument of the European XFEL, Germany - Bestec GmbH
Detector rotation deviation after rotation (2Theta)
P469 - Detector rotation (2Theta) deviation after rotation - Soft X-ray diffractometer / Experimental station for RIXS, SCS instrument of the European XFEL, Germany - Bestec GmbH
Residual gas analysis
P469 - Residual gas analysis - Soft X-ray diffractometer / Experimental station for RIXS, SCS instrument of the European XFEL, Germany - Bestec GmbH
Triple rotation flange longitudinal deviation
P469 - Triple rotation flange longitudinal deviation - Soft X-ray diffractometer / Experimental station for RIXS, SCS instrument of the European XFEL, Germany - Bestec GmbH
Triple rotation flange vertical deviation
P469 - Triple rotation flange vertical deviation - Soft X-ray diffractometer / Experimental station for RIXS, SCS instrument of the European XFEL, Germany - Bestec GmbH

